Industrial, heavy duty brine injector suitable to inject up to 6000 kg/h with injection rate of 20% or 3 000 kg/h of chicken breasts with rate 30 – 40% . Equipped with strong 2-impeller pump to work on heavy brines based on soya, starch, carragens. No problems with cavitation of pump and not-uniform injection levels. Needles 3 mm working in very dense pattern give the excellent results in proper lay-out of the brine in the injected product.
Machine is fully servo driven on the injection head and conveyer.
Never working in factory.
Ex-showroom model.
Ready to work 7 days a week; 365 days a year.
Technical data:
Brine injector MH-212SAS
Number of needles pcs. 212
Needles types: Ø3 mm for chicken , turkey, bacon
Width of conveyer 750 mm
Fully driven by Mitsubishi servo drive on injection head and conveyer.
Height of strokes: 20 – 200 mm
Ready to work ! see the machine in the action
Ex-display device, never used!